duminică, 24 octombrie 2010

E pt tine..pt cea care are nevoie...fara sa stie ca are nevoie

what is cute? cute is young and inexperienced. cute is holding hands in the car, and kissing at the red lights. what is sexy? sexy is standing in the rain as you push me against the hood of your car, tearing at my shirt, as you kiss me with the intent to never stop. what is passion? passion is knowing what you want and stopping at nothing until you get it. what is beautiful? beautiful is all about the inside of a person. beauty can only be found in the heart. what is love? love is the amazing balance of all of these things, in your mind, body and soul.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke your's. You'll fight with your best friend and maybe even fall in love with them. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone close to you. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt before; because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
You walk down your packed high school allways everyday. You pass hundreds of people you have never talked to, ex best friends & girl/boyfriends. You pass the people that hate you & most importantly love you to death. If you could just freeze everyone & finally slow down time to look around. Do you finally notice the kids that have never had an equal chance? What about the beautiful popular girls that get all the boys, are they truly happy or is it all an act? And then look at yourself. Are you happy with who you are becoming or has high school turned you into someone you promised you would never be? Take a good look at your reflection before you judge anyone else; be the person you want to do. Fuck what everyone else tells you, just be who you are.
don't waste time lingering over all that you could have, should have and would have done. don't spend your days thinking of how much better you could do; don't long for something that has been and always will be out of your reach. just live the days as they come. wake up every morning and smile at the wonderful day that awaits. and when the opportunity comes knocking at your door, don't ignore it. don't run away. pull yourself together, and open the door. let love in.

stars make me smile, because every time i see one i feel hope. hope that tomorrow is a new day with a new feeling. that something different, better, is out there waiting. everyone wishes on stars with the same hope.

Life changes. You get it all lined up just the way you like it and then something beyond your control comes along and bumps your off center. How nice it would be if you could get everything just the way you want it and say “okay, now.. stay!”. But nothing stays the same. You grow up, make friends, lose friends, go to college, lose track of people, meet new ones and sometimes you ask yourself why. But all I can tell you is that every single experience you go tYou want to make a change? You can’t just change something from thinking about it, you actually have to go out there and do it. You can make a change by doing the smallest things, like smiling at a stranger. Who knows; it might give them some hope to carry on. I don’t know who’s reading this right now, but if you are there is only one thing I want to tell you. Chances are you don’t know me; you don’t have to listen to me but always try to be the best person you can be. Life doesn’t last forever & a life with regrets is a life not lived.
hrough changed you in some way. Every new person who comes into your life changes you. Every moral dilemma or emotional experience you come up against changes you. It’s your job to decide how.
You want to make a change? You can’t just change something from thinking about it, you actually have to go out there and do it. You can make a change by doing the smallest things, like smiling at a stranger. Who knows; it might give them some hope to carry on. I don’t know who’s reading this right now, but if you are there is only one thing I want to tell you. Chances are you don’t know me; you don’t have to listen to me but always try to be the best person you can be. Life doesn’t last forever & a life with regrets is a life not lived.

joi, 21 octombrie 2010

the ZERO barrier

Viata....viata nu e ca in filme. In filme, finalul e oarecum fericit, e epic sau e un final simplu, tot un final cu asa zisul "happy ending"...Viata e diferita, viata e realitatea, nu e fictiunea din filme, dar de cele mai multe ori, ne comparam viata cu un film, si eu o compar cu filmul meu preferat...Armageddon (aveti triller-ul prezentat mai sus, daca nu l-ai vazut)..dar cu finalul putin schimat...in loc ca cineva sa ma salveze...asteroidul a "maturat" tot..lasand in urma o planeta goala, sobra, fara nimic, fara nici macar cu o bacterie (urma de speranta).

A trecut de punctul critic, si a lovit...a lovit...si a lovit cu asa un inpact incat nici nu s-a stiut ce s-a intamplat, apuci doar sa arunci un ultim zambet, un ultim sarut, si apoi...te loveste valul impactului, simtindu-l in orice extremitate a corpului, abia te mai poti tine pe picioare, si simti, stii ca acesta e sfarsitul unei povesti.Incetul cu incetul moare orice speranta ajungand,gol, sobru, cu priviri si zambete artificiale..

Dar, dupa cum e viata, dupa orice final exista un inceput....

marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Ora adevarului

Da....poate a citit becali blogul meu de a atacat in sfarsit steaua...in sfarsit, a dominat, dar sclipirea si in acelasi timp groaza acestui sport, face ca echipa care domina sa piarda...a fost pragmatic meciul, a fost un albitraj, ca de obicei, praf, spart, distrus,care nu s-a ridicat la nivelul meciuli...dinamo a batut si asta conteaza...am trait la intensitate maxima derby-ul si debea astept returul...pana atunci...sper ca aceste 2 rivale sa fie undeva pe podiumul clasamentului, ca presiune si spectacolul sa fie mult mai mare...

marți, 12 octombrie 2010

Unicul derby

O zi speciala pentru mine dintotdeauna...Chiar daca sunt la sute de km distanta de eveniment, intotdeauna traiesc pentru 100 de minute in bucuresti...in capitala, acolo unde joaca echipa mea de suflet FC DINAMO 1948 BUCURESTI. E meciul care,din punctul meu de vedere, aprinde o tara intreaga,meciul pentru care s-au nascut aceste 2 echipe, etern rivale, in incontinua concurenta...

Istoricul duelului:
Prima intilnire dintre cele doua formatii a avut loc pe data de 21 noiembrie 1948 si s-a incheiat cu victoria lui Dinamo in deplasare, scor 1-0. Pina acum s-au disputat 118 partide, iar bilantul le este favorabil "ciinilor rosii": 40 de victorii Dinamo, 43 de egaluri, 33 de meciuri cistigate de Steaua. De asemenea, Dinamo sta bine si la palmaresul all-time al meciurilor disputate pe teren propriu in compania rivalilor din Ghencea: 24 de victorii, 22 de remize si 13 infringeri. Prima victorie a Stelei pe terenul lui Dinamo s-a inregistrat pe 11.04.1956, scor 4-0, iar ultima victorie a Stelei in Stefan cel Mare a fost in 10 aprilie 2005 cu un gol suspect, dar dupa cum n-am obisnuit cu albitrajul din Liga 1, e ceva normal.

In ultimul sezon:
Steaua 0-1 Dinamo...Sa nu ne aducem aminte de umiliinta Stelei.E mai putin umilitor sa pierzi in fata lui Dinamo cu 4-2 decat sa pierzi cu 1-0 si SA NU AI NICI UN SUT PE POARTA, a fost clar cel mai slab meci al Stelei (referitor la atac), din toate timpurile contra eternei rivale FC DINAMO 1948 BUCURESTI

Dinamo 2-0 Steaua...La fel, penibila Steaua, nu mai comentez ca nu are rost...Deci clar Dinamo net superioara Stelei...

Eu sincer sper la un spectacol al ambelor echipe...si cea mai buna sa castige, dar sa nu uitam ca sunt dinamovist asa ca....DINAMO...LUPTA DINAMO....